The global low-carbon technology diffusion, energy efficiency and climate policy give rise to hydrogen energy development.
GasChem Engineering offers technical solutions for hydrogen fueling stations and power generation units adapted to hydrogen energy storage

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Advanced technologies development in the sphere of deep raw hydrocarbons processing and the basic organic synthesis obtaining with the use of “green chemistry” principles.

The design and synthesis of catalysts, catalytic systems development by using method of molecular imprinting.

Regeneration of heterogeneous petrochemical and oil refining catalysts by supercritical fluids.

Integrated natural and associated petroleum gas processing technologies.

Petrochemical intermediates obtaining from raw gas

Raw hydrocarbons processing investigation in super-technical conditions and development processes with regeneration in situ

Hydrogen energy and CCS/CCUS/DAT technologies

Petrochemical biotechnologies

New polymeric and composite materials obtaining technologies


R&D development
strategy and expertise

Conceptual engineering and technology audit

Risk Analysis -

Basic design, project and working documentation development

Creation strategy on all stages of product development, including registration and commercialization (Product Plan)

Design supervision of commissioning and startup procedures

PMC (Project Management Consultancy), application of international FIDIC contracts and training of client's personnel.

pre-investment feasibility study and value engineering

Supplier selection, purchasing, equipment supply and fabrication supervision

Supply chain management of equipment with long lead items

Ongoing projects